Bloomburg Independent School District

Bloomburg Independent School District
Capital Improvement Program - November 6, 2012

The planning process for this bond began with a "vision session" with the District Administration and Community Facility Committee who identified the facility needs of the District. The meeting addressed not only current needs to support existing programs and curriculum, but also the long term needs fo the District to support evolving curriculum, curriculum not currently supported and the potential for growth within the District that would require additional facility support. The administration and staff provided input insofar as the current facility needs at each campus. The long term needs of each campus were determined to include the following:

Elementary School
- New reading lab
- New Pre-K Classroom
- New computer lab or mobile lab
- New gymnasium

Secondary Grades
- Four additional classrooms for growth
- Special Education Technology Classroom
- Computer lab or mobile lab
- Storage, Teacher workroom, book room
- Expansion of the Ag facility
- Music Classroom

- New gymnasium
- Weight room
- Dressing areas
- Tennis courts

The Facility Committee recomended to the Board of Trustees that the District call a bond election to address the needs of a Multi-Purpose Gymnasium and Food Service Facility, as well as renovation of the existing gym into classroom space under the first phase of the long range plan.

Proposed Project Design